E.4.1. Procedure Descriptions
E.4.1. 절차 설명
Build-And-Send-Async(transport connection, reason code,
minimum time, maximum time);
Build-And-Send-Logout(transport connection, logout connection
identifier, reason code);
PerformImplicitLogout(transport connection, logout connection
identifier, target information);
PerformLogin(transport connection, target information);
CreateNewTransportConnection(target information);
Build-And-Send-Command(transport connection, task control block);
Connection-Cleanup-Handler(transport connection);
Connection-Resource-Timeout-Handler(transport connection);
Quiesce-And-Prepare-for-New-Allegiance(session, task control
Build-And-Send-Logout-Response(transport connection,
CID of connection in recovery, reason
Build-And-Send-TaskMgmt-Response(transport connection,
task mgmt command PDU, response code);
Establish-New-Allegiance(task control block, transport
Schedule-Command-To-Continue(task control block);
- Transport exception conditions, such as unexpected connection termination, connection reset, and hung connection while the connection is in the full-feature phase, are all assumed to be asynchronously signaled to the iSCSI layer using the Transport_Exception_Handler procedure.
- 예기치 않은 연결 종료, 연결 재설정, 연결이 전체 기능 단계에 있는 동안 중단된 연결과 같은 전송 예외 조건은 모두 Transport_Exception_Handler 프로시저를 사용하여 iSCSI 계층에 비동기적으로 신호가 전송되는 것으로 간주됩니다.